Tegneseriemuseet i Danmark

The Comics Museum in Denmark

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view Classics Illustrated Special Issues covers





1950'ERNE DK












J. Nodel

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... eller som han også kaldte sig, Norman Nodel eller Donald Norman, blev født i 1922. Allerede som 19-årig tegnede han The Tulpa of Tsang for tegneserieforlaget Sun, men p.g.a. aktiv tjeneste under 2. verdenskrig blev hans karriere som tegneserietegner afbrudt i en årrække.
1949 var han igen igang med tegneserierne og tegnede en række romantikepisoder for Star.
I 1950'erne handlede det om skrækserier og Escape From Devil's Island for Avon, inden Nodel 1954-61 tegnede en lang række Classics Illustrated, Classics illustrated Special Issue og The World Around Us  for Gilberton.
Efter Gilbertons udgivelsesstop i 1962 udkom James Bond- hæftet Dr. No, som Nodel tegnede, på forlagets britiske afdeling.
Efter 1965 tegnede han en del western, romantik, krig og science fantasy for Charlton, men indtil 2000 var han dog hovedsageligt beskæftiget med illustration af børnebøger.
Ved Norman Nodels død kunne denne nekrolog læses på internetadressen http://www.hachai.com/nodel.html:


Norman Nodel,
Jewish artist and illustrator 1922-2000

Jewish children lost a dear friend this last Friday, February 25, 2000, with the demise of Norman (Nochem Yeshaya) Nodel, noted artist and illustrator of children's books and magazines.
The son of an Orthodox Rabbi, Mr. Nodel began his illustrious career as a field artist in the army, drawing military maps during World War II. Serving with the United States forces in Europe, he won medals for his courage, and helped in the liberation of Europe from German fascism.
After the war, he pursued a successful career as an artist in a variety of styles, notably illustrating the famous Classics Illustrated series in the '50s, and working on a number of projects for large publishing companies.
During the last twelve years of his life, Mr. Nodel devoted a major amount of his time and energy to illustrating books and magazines specifically for Jewish children, which gave him great pleasure and satisfaction.
Mr. Nodel began working in the Jewish market in 1988, when he started illustrating for Tzivos Hashem and The Moshiach Times. After completing the popular "Labels for Laibel" for Hachai Publishing, Norman's talent was quickly recognized and in great demand by almost every major Judaica publisher:
His talent literally "cornered the market," to the extent that there can hardly be an affiliated Jewish child today who is not familiar with his work. One might well say that Mr. Nodel raised and educated in his own way, a whole generation of Jewish children, with his work appearing virtually all over the world, in America, Europe, Israel, Russia, Australia, and South America. He was a truly special person, whose gentle wit and elegant charm are reflected in the graceful strokes of his drawings. In all his work, one sees the same qualities of modesty, pride in being Jewish, and warmth and affection for others, together with a unique elegance of style, integrity, and even a nobility of character.
He was a living example of derech eretz and respect for others. He treated everyone who came to him as if they were the only one he worked for, and as a result, everyone felt that he belonged solely to them.
He loved to joke around, and always liked to have the last pun. And his gentle wit showed in his artwork too, such as in the "What's wrong with this?" picture, that shows a goat eating a succa, and a fish taking a casual stroll with an upside down cane.
Mr. Nodel worked to the last day of his life, and despite crippling arthritis, he never complained, but rather always put himself out to meet deadlines for all those who counted on him.
I've never let you down, he would say to clients who were worried about a deadline. And he never did.
He will be sorely missed by family, friends, and scores of clients who all became his friends, and Jewish children everywhere.


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Norman Nodel tegnede James Bond-episoden
Dr. No til Gilberton, men den udkom først i USA,
udgivet af DC. Året før udkom den i England
som Classics Illustrated #158A. I Danmark
udkom hæftet i 1962 som Detektivserien nr.6.
James Bond 007 Comics Checklist http://www.mcs.net/~klast/www/comics.html
siger dette om udgivelsen:

Showcase Presents Doctor No by Ian Fleming
Showcase #43 Mar/Apr 1963 (DC Comics)
artist: Norman Nodel
The first American comic book to feature James Bond. Originally drawn for the Classics Illustrated series but the company suspended publishing. Published as part of the British Classics Illustrated series (#158A) and the European Detective series (#6). Reprinted in DC's Showcase series to take advantage of the new James Bond movie. The story was censored, deleting all racial skin color and dialogue thought to be demeaning. This is also the first DC Silver Age movie adaptation. The illustrated cover is different from previous editions and features Doctor No in a radiation bubble suit holding a gun on Bond, who is at the controls of the jamming station. The inside front cover has b&w photos from the film. The inside back cover has brief biographies of Bond and Fleming. The 32-page comic follows the movie script and most of the characters are drawn to resemble their screen counterparts.

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Norman Nodel
illustrated the
following books
for Hachai

Labels for Laibel

Hot on The Trail

Peanut Butter and
Jelly for Shabbos

On The Ball

What Will The
World Be Like?

The Rambam

Moral or Less

Na'ar Hayisi


Yitzy and
the G.O.L.O.M.

The Lopsided


The Story Hour

The Wise
Little Judge

The Three Gifts

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Norman Nodel Index