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Fra 4. til 7. maj 2000 - From May 4th till May 7th 2000

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Ondrej Soukup har komponeret musikken til den jingle, der ind- leder forestillin- gerne under
Film Festival 2000

Ondrej Soukup is the composer of the Film Festival 2000 jingle.

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Film 14: Pelisky

Tjekkiet 1999    Spillelængde: 116 min.

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Dette er en charmerende blanding af sørgmunter nostalgi, satire og morskab. "Pelisky" (Cosy Dens) foregår i tiden op til russernes invasion af Tjekkoslovakiet i august 1968. 'Foråret i Prag' er i fuld gang og personerne bebor et fælles boligkompleks - deraf titlen. Den 15 årige hovedperson, Michael, er håbløst forelsket i overboens datter, Jindra, der imidlertid elsker hippien Elien, hvis forældre er i USA, hvorfra de sender efterspurgte varer som rockmusik og cowboystøvler hjem til sønnen. Michaels far er officer i den tjekkiske hær og han beundrer alle socialismens frembringelser - også østtyske plastikskeer der smelter i varm kaffe. Jindras far er patriotisk krigsveteran og Michaels far ideologiske modsætning.

Efterhånden som foråret skrider frem viser systemet et stadigt mere menneskeligt ansigt og der åbnes for familiernes fastlåste positioner og ved tilfældighedernes spil kommer over-og underboerne til at se mere til hinanden. Filmens humanistiske budskab om at mennesket altid må sættes over systemet leveres så overbevisende at Jan Hrejbeks film allerede har været vist vidt omkring siden premieren på film festivalen i Karlovy Vary i juli '99.

Filmen vistes tre gange i marts under Natfilmfestivalen i København, men har ingen dansk importør.

Filmen vises med engelske undertekster.

Peliský/ Cosy Dens

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This is a charming medley of tragi-comic nostalgia, satire and fun. The
action takes place in August 1968, in the last months before the Russian
invasion of Czechoslovakia. The Prague Spring is well under way, and the
characters all live in the same block of flats, cp. the title of the film.
The main character, Michael, aged 15, is hopelessly in love with Jindra, the daughter of the family living in the flat above. Jindra, however, is in love
with the hippie, Elien, whose parents are in New York and send home to their son presents that are in great demand in Prague, such as rock music and cowboy boots. - Michael, whose father is an officer in the Czech army, is a great admirer of all the products of Socialism, even East German plastic spoons which will melt in hot coffee. - Jindra´s father is a patriotic veteran from the Second World War and a total, ideologic contrast to Michael´s father.
As the spring progresses the old system gradually shows its human nature,
and, as a consequence, the inflexible positions of the tenants of the house
are softening, as they are getting to know each other better.
The humanistic message of the film: that the human being should always be
put above the system - is presented so convincingly that Jan Hrejbek´s film
has already been shown in many countries, since its premiere at the film
festival of Karlovy Vary in July 1999.
The film was shown three times at the recent Night Film Festival in
Copenhagen, but has no Danish importer.
The film will be shown with English subtitles.

Czech Republic, 1999                   Length: 116 min.