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Fra 4. til 7. maj 2000 - From May 4th till May 7th 2000

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Ondrej Soukup har komponeret musikken til den jingle, der ind- leder forestillin- gerne under
Film Festival 2000

Ondrej Soukup is the composer of the Film Festival 2000 jingle.

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Film 1: Sort kat, hvid kat

Tyskland, Frankrig, Jugoslavien 1998 Spillelængde: 127 min.

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Filmen foregår i vore dage i et sigøjner miljø ved Donau. Den har mange forgrenede historier i sin farverige og humoristiske handling med mange til tider helt bindegale hændelser. Derved er den også samtidig en meget underholdende
satirisk kommentar til de anarkiske samfundstilstande, der har præget 90ernes Balkan. Krigen opleves kun indirekte for dette er primært sprudlende og uforudsigeligt - produceret langt fra det kølige Nordeuropa.

Den yngste af de mandlige hovedpersoner kommer i gæld til en forbryderchef, der giver ham et "tilbud han ikke kan afslå" om at han skal gifte sig med forbryderchefens søster, der er svær at afsætte uden forståelse for at han elsker sin kæreste. Søsteren har imidlertid også sine egne forestillinger om hvem der skal være hendes ægtemand og filmens kulmination er en 'roadmovie' noget ud over det sædvanlige.


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Emir Kustorica er født i Sarajevo og opnåede international berømmelse i 1989, da han vandt De Gyldne Palmer i Cannes for instruktionen af "Time of the Gypsies". Dette muliggjorde han amerikanske produktion "Arizona Dream" med Johnny Depp og Faye Dunaway fra 1992. I 1995 vandt hans groteske fantasi over 50 års jugoslaviske historie "Underground" De Gyldne Palmer som bedste film - den blev udsendt på DR 2 i 1999.
Black Cat, White Cat

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... is set in a present-day Gipsy environment on the Danube. The plot is filled with colourful and humorous episodes, closely intertwined and often bordering on the grotesque and the bizarre. But at the same time it is a funny commentary on the anarchistic state of affairs of the Balkans of the 90s.

The war only plays an indirect part and the focus of the film is always on the bubbling and unpredictable aspects of everyday life in a place very far from chilly Scandinavia.

A young man who is hopelessly in debt is given an offer by his creditor, the leader of a gang of criminals, which he cannot refuse: if he marries the leader's sister, who seems to be extremely difficult to marry off, he may get rid of his debt. The sister has her own ideas of a husband, however, and the film develops into quite an unusual road movie.

The director, Emir Kustorica, was born in Sarajevo and won international fame in 1989, when he was awarded the Golden Palms in Cannes for his direction of "Time of the Gipsies". In 1992 he directed the American production "Arizona Dream" with Johnny Depp and Faye Dunaway. - In 1995 his grotesque version of 50 years of Yugoslavian history "Underground" won the Golden Palms as the best film.

Germany, France, Yugoslavia          Running time: 127 min.