The first Film Festival of the Kalundborg Region
On the basis of the Cultural
Group of the Kalundborg Region with the assistance of the Film Association of the
Kalundborg Region (K.E.F.F) a working party worked for several years to set up a Film
Festival in the Kalundborg region. From the beginning the working party consisted of
representatives of the Gørlev Filmclub, K.E.F.F. and the Friends of Mørkøv Cinema. In |
In the preface for the 1997 programme the chairman of the working
party, Søren Juul, wrote:As a result of the cultural co-operation
between the five municipalities in the Kalundborg Region "Film Festival '97
Film Days in the Kalundborg Region" are taking place from the 2nd till the
5th of October 1997. The purpose of "Film Festival '97 Film Days in
the Kalundborg Region" is to focus on film culture during a brief but intense period
of time. A co-operation between the Film Club of Gørlev, the Friends of Mørkøv Cinema,
Kino 1-2 in Kalundborg, the municipality of Gørlev and K.E.F.F. taking place over several
years will climax with an presentation of films from Europe and the U.S. Only few of them
have been screened in any of the three cinemas previously, but they all deserve an
audience not only in the major cities.
So many immensely good, profound, entertaining, beautiful, thoughtful, enriching films are
being produced on both sides of the Atlantic and we would like the widen the access to
these for just a little while.
As it can be seen below we have chosen French, Italian, German, English,
Czech, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and American films which have opened in Denmark since 1995.
Virtually all of them have been reviewed by the "Bogart" magazine on DR.
The films have been divided into
three categories:
1. Films in the
In this category eight European
feature films will compete for the prize of Dkr. 50.000.-. The prize will be given to the
film in which the music originally composed or reused is found by the jury
to support the story line in the best way.
2. Other films.
In this category a number of
films are shown out of competition. They all deserve a wider audience all the same.
3. Films for children and
young people.
For the children and young people
of the municipalities a number of films have been selected especially to be offered for
free at school performances.
Furthermore there will be one
special feature.
All the films are described in
more detail in the programme.
The working party behind
"Film Festival '97" would like to thank:
- the municipalities of Bjergsted,
Gørlev, Hvidebæk, Kalundborg & Tornved for the financial support that has made this
festival possible and for the backing they have shown the initiative since 1995.
- the County of West Zealand for
sponsoring the prize which is exquisite even by European standards.
- the Cultural Foundation and the
Nordic Film Foundation for the fine economic support..
- The Danish Film Institute for
encouragement and good advice as well as economic support for this programme.
- all the local advertisers, helpers
and others who have made this festival possible.